Promoting the game of golf in the Taxi Industry.
The beautiful Lakelands Golf Course at the Gold Coast was the perfect setting for the 21st Interdominion Taxi Golf Championships. 270 players from Australia and New Zealand took to the luxurious fairways from 11th to 15th October and after four days of competition the winners were decided and presented with their trophies at the Presentation Dinner held in the Main Ballroom of the Radisson Resort on Saturday 16th October.
Our sponsors, Zurich Insurance, Unigas, Taxi Council of Qld, Yellow Cabs, Flashcab and Sunshine Motors and Mr Bruce Mitchell provided the necessary funds to make this a complete success and we extend our sincere thanks to all of them for their generosity.
Our New Zealand friends enjoyed their stay with us and competed strongly against the Australian players in a spirit of Trans-Tasman rivalry that created a wonderful atmosphere of conviviality and friendship. We thank them for their attendance and wish them well for the future.
The results for the weeks’ event are as follows:
Won by Australia with a gross score of 1024 to NZ 1092 Australian Team.
Gary Kucharski Vic
David Giles SA
Mark Webb NSW
David Harrison Tas
David McHugh Qld
Nigel Rendall WA
Won by Wellington with a Nett score of 972 to Australia 975
Wellington team
Mata Luka
Errol Bruce
Gordon Wilson
Rex Harrison
Peter Ferry
Bill Tangney
Queensland Team Nett score 686
Dave Brown (Brisbane Taxi Golf Club)
Neal Spring (Brisbane Taxi Golf Club)
Greg Morrison (Yellow Cabs, Brisbane)
John Wilshere (Yellow Cabs, Brisbane)
Hubert Sperandio ( Mackay Taxis)
Won by Western Australia with a Nett score of 698
Graham Dunlop
Peter Brown
Rubens Kiamtia
Interdominion Champion (Gross)
Won by Gary Kucharski (Victoria) 232
Interdominion Champion (Nett)
Won by Malcolm Pearce (Tasmania) 219
Australian Champion (Gross)
Won by George Spillane ( Qld) 224
Australian Champion (Nett)
Won by Rubens Kiamtia(WA) 219
Gross David McHugh Qld 225
Nett Damian Cox Qld 219
B Grade
Gross Adam Hicks NSW 270
Nett Peter Barnes Qld 223
C Grade
Gross Barry Owen NZ 221
Nett Jeff Rouillon Qld 220
D Grade
Gross Peter Schroeder WA 299
Nett Graham Harrison Qld 223
Veterans(50 to 59)
Gary Kucharski Vic 214
Super Veterans(60 to 69)
Malcolm Pearce Tas 219
Golden Veterans(70 and over)
Ron Tindale Qld 220
Ladies Champion
Patricia Ridley SA 149
Runner-up Jackie Spillane Qld 154
I want to thank the Administrative and ground staff at Lakelands Golf Club, in particular, Amelia Heseltine, for the huge input that she had personally and for the presentation of the course and the friendly and efficient manner of the bar staff which contributed greatly to the enjoyment of the Tournament by all participants. Also the staff at the Radisson Resort for their courteous and efficient manner when dealing with our people, especially Anna Mitchell for the generous accommodation package which was offered to all Taxi golfers. All of these things made a significant contribution to our tournament. This event I would like to point out is the largest single sporting event organised for and on behalf of the Taxi Industry. I hope that in future those industries associated with the Taxi Industry can become involved more closely. I personally thank Rick Barrett, Lucy Barrett and Dianne Von Haeften from Zurich Insurance, Rob Bebrouth, Chris Marriott and Terri Wilkinson from Unigas, Blair Davies, Taxi Council of Qld and Bill Parker from Yellow Cabs, and the principals from Flashcab and Sunshine Motors, Gold Coast and especially Mr Bruce Mitchell for their generosity.
In closing I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of my Committee who worked very hard to make this a success. They can be proud of their achievements. They include Mike Nolan, Col Fletcher, Paul McSwaine, Richard Bowles, Jeff Rouillon, Mike Hitchen, Lorraine Spring, Rosina Renault, Carmel McSwaine, Carol Smith and Fay Tindale. Also I thank all those people who were in some way involved but who are too numerous to name. Your efforts are appreciated.
The last word must go to the Secretary of the Taxi Council, Blair Davies, who, I think, said it all in his welcome message: “ Lakelands Golf Course in the middle of spring on the Gold Coast. It doesn’t get much better than this.” You know Blair you were right.
Best wishes to all for the forthcoming festive season and happy golfing
Russell Armstrong
President QTGA Inc.